Making the 21st Century available to all

Equipping classrooms with technology and power to create the most accessible STEM learning environment.

We are having a global impact



Schools Assisted


Technology Donated

28 laptops, 5 projector

Students Impacted


Our Achievements

  • Andhra Pradesh - 3 schools

    Maharashtra - 2 schools

  • Bilyky - 1 school

Who are we?

IsoAccess is a non-profit startup by two High Schoolers who want to do their part in ensuring equal opportunity by providing access to digital learning for all. Currently, worldwide, especially in Asia, Africa, and South America there are communities that still don’t have opportunities to digital learning equipment, or access to electricity and the digital content that many people in developed nations have. There is a gap between the developed world on one side and the developing world on the other. The developed countries have moved past electrification, access to the internet, affordability to digital technology, STEM Education, and trained staff that can promote digital literacy. Whereas, countries in less developed regions of the world still don’t have access to 24/7 electricity, good quality internet, STEM Education, and lack the opportunities that are needed to push digital literacy up. The recent COVID pandemic has exposed the greater weakness, especially in developing nations. Especially in a world with a looming climate crisis and more of a need for interconnectivity than ever, it is important that rural areas of developing nations are able to be connected to the rest of the world. Our mission at IsoAccess is to do precisely that. Through technology and enablement, IsoAccess aims to make the 21st century available to everyone by enabling digital infrastructure at rural schools through donating technology, introducing and preparing classrooms for STEM Education, bringing STEM courses, and creating awareness and access to these resources in schools in disadvantaged areas and thereby improve overall digital literacy. This provides reliable access to STEM education which will further advance opportunities in these areas.

STEM Brought Everywhere

In a modern society where STEM is the forefront of learning, change, and innovation; we will bring all levels of education in underprivileged countries technology so they can grasp these important ideas.

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Solar at Schools

Although electrification is progressively getting better around the world, rural areas still struggle with electricity that is either not accessible, or when it is, not for long. Through this initiative, we hope to install solar panels at schools in rural areas of developing countries to not only make electricity accessible 24/7, but provide for other amenities that might require consistent power, such as medical equipement

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Adapting to a New World

Global warming is poised to increase global temperatures by 2-3 degrees Celsius by 2100. Not only is this alarming in itself, but is poised to cause major disarray and damage to metropolitan areas around the world. The countries most affected by these are developing nations, some of which already have regions which are too hot for human survival. Therefore, to ensure that students are able to go to school in areas prone to extreme heat in developing nations, IsoAccess will install air conditioning units in classrooms around the world