Giving Students Every Opportunity Possible

Our vision is to equip classrooms with higher level technology and constant power so they can have access to great STEM opportunities seen in the digital world from their learning environment. Ever since Covid-19 hit, there has been a clear gap in education. It exposed the underdeveloped school systems that lacked technology to assist in learning during this time. At IsoAccess, we want to break this divide and make sure that any school can handle a global disaster with the right tools for their students. Not only do we make education uninterrupted during problems like a pandemic, it promotes schools to use the large amount of resources that come with having technology in their classrooms in the future. This ensures every student is able to get a good, uninterrupted, and modern educational experience

What are the Components?

1. Access to Technology and Digital Learning Materials:

Digital technology such as computers, tablets, and projectors are important in a classroom for a number of reasons. Access to technology can help bridge the gap in opportunity between schools in developed and developing nations by opening up online material which can help them learn important STEM topics. By upgrading disadvantaged schools into smart classrooms, students in these areas can have the opportunities to learn more and access material online, bridging the gap in education between developing nations and developed nations. Smart classrooms improve the quality of education in rural areas by providing students and teachers with access to a wider range of learning materials. Additionally, digital classrooms can help improve communication and connectivity in rural areas by allowing students and teachers to connect with others and share information. Digital Technology also makes education more accessible, making it easier for students to access material. Finally, digital technology can help prepare students for the future by giving them the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in a variety of fields. STEM has some of the most prominent fields and we want to make sure students can study them. We’ll be partnering with tutoring and course-teaching companies to help classrooms have resources which can help them learn valuable skills like coding. Overall, access to digital technology and learning material in schools in developing nations helps better educate students and integrate them into the digital driven world, giving them more opportunities to achieve success and bridging the gap between developed and developing nations.

2. Uninterrupted Access to Education:

Key to ensuring a good education is that there are no interruptions in instruction that can affect the quality of education. While schools in countries like the US have access to constant internet and electricity, this is not the case in most developing countries, where there is often intermittent access to internet and electricity, sometimes going out for hours straight in a day. Part of ensuring that a smart classroom can function and expand educational opportunities to more students is ensuring that their education is not interrupted. This was a big issue during the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic, where the shift to online schools was either impossible or difficult for people living in rural or disadvantaged areas. This resulted in students falling behind on their education. In India, over 50% of students feel that they continue to fall behind on their education due to the disruption the COVID pandemics and lockdowns caused on their education[1]. Lack of technology to connect online with teachers for class combined with the lack of access to the internet in rural villages resulted in students unable to keep continuing their education without interruption. Access to digital resources mitigates and eliminates these issues as students can connect with teachers online and continue their education uninterrupted even in the situation of a pandemic or other emergency. Ultimately, it helps keep students on track without falling behind on their education. Even with the advent of schools opening in person, issues such as power cuts for hours mean that students have to either study without a proper educational environment. A lot of these villages are far from the nation’s power grid, with full-scale connection and upgrading and infrastructure expansion being expensive. Power cuts and other issues can also disrupt education in rural villages, even when schools are open in person. Installing solar panels can help ensure that instruction can continue and digital technology can be utilized, even in the event of power outages

How will this Be Done Logistically?

Fundraising. Through spreading IsoAccess’ message through social media networks and word of mouth, we hope to raise funds to invest into technology like computers, tablets, and solar which can supply clean energy to these schools.

Communication. IsoAccess will then connect with different schools all over these different regions and inform them on our plan to help their system. Directors of these educational systems will be shown the technology that will be brought.

Execution. Making sure our organization receives permission from the schools to deliver devices and solar, IsoAccess will begin to ship this technology. We will also work with local contractors to help install the solar panels to create the smoothest transition possible.

With this 3 step plan, the complex process of aiding schools from overseas is properly set into perspective. IsoAccess will consistently update social media and this website with photos, testimonials, and videos of deliveries and installations. The love to create a better educational world for students drives us and our vision to bring them what many have drives us.