Adapting to a Warming World

It’s currently projected that by 2050 temperatures globally will rise by nearly 1.5 degrees Celsius. While it is important to fight against Global Warming through Green Initiatives, the unfortunate fact is that we as humans have already done irreparable damage to the environment to the point where we are going to see significant warming, although we can curb any further warming. The biggest effect is going to be that regions are going to become much warmer, with some areas getting too hot for normal survival. It is important that buildings in these areas are adapting to warmer climates. Some of the negative effects of the warming world are:

More Health Risks Rising temperatures can have serious negative impacts on people’s health, especially the elderly. The risk of disease, stroke, and other heat related illnesses go up without proper adaptation to hot weather.

Less Productivity The heat reduces productivity as it puts more stress on the human body and uses more energy. It also makes humans more prone to dehydration.

Affect on Education and other Necessities. If buildings aren’t equipped to adapt to warmer weather and more extreme weather, there is a risk of schools and other important buildings not being able to function for a lot of the year, affecting literacy.

What will we do?

IsoAccess will help in adaptation by installing adaptations in areas where the climate is hot or forecasted to become hotter. Not just this, but IsoAccess will also work with local organizations to help better prepare buildings for a world of more extreme weather and warm weather. IsoAccess will install and work with local organizations to do the following:

Install Air Conditioning in hospitals, schools, commercial buildings, will help reduce the impact of extreme weather in areas vulnerable to heat waves.

Install Energy Efficient Appliances in order to increase energy efficiency and reduce the amount of greenhouse cases being released. This would be things like electric stoves and more efficient cooling systems/refrigerators

Aid in Defense against Calamities by Working with local organizations to build flood walls and other methods of defense against extreme weather such as floods.