Technology Brought Everywhere

What is the issue?

We take granted a lot of the amenities we have access to such as computers and the internet because we utilize them and easily access them on a daily basis. Unfortunately, it is common for schools in disadvantaged areas to lack access to technology like computers, televisions, and the internet.

Multiple reasons exist as to why schools in rural areas of developing nations may lack electronics and internet access. One reason is a lack of infrastructure, such as reliable electricity and internet connectivity. Another reason is a lack of funding, as schools in these areas may not have the resources to purchase and maintain electronics.

This is a significant barrier to education and can prevent students from gaining the skills and literacy that they need to succeed in the modern world. More concerning is that the lack of technological access in these regions can be dangerous when it comes to climatic emergencies, medical emergencies. Overall the lack of connectivity and technology in these areas leaves them behind as the world progresses.

What will we do?

IsoAccess will bring the 21st century to all by donating technology to disadvantaged regions and people along with setting up internet access so that these rural areas can be connected with the rest of the world and not fall behind. We’ll do this through these ways:

Donation IsoAccess will donate technology such as computers, tablets, personal computers, and monitors to schools in rural areas of developing countries and disadvantaged areas. IsoAccess will also work with local nonprofits in order to help with distribution of technology

Training IsoAccess will provide manuals and coding textbooks and work with local nonprofits to host training sessions in order to help with digital literacy in these regions.

Helping Build Infrastructure IsoAccess will use funds to improve infrastructure in rural areas of developing nations by building or upgrading internet connectivity or other infrastructure that is necessary for technology access and connectivity.

Collaborate IsoAccess will collaborate with local non profits to help make a larger impact through the expansion of digital literacy and STEM education. IsoAccess will donate STEM textbooks and coding textbooks to foster a passion for technology in students in these areas.